Things are ever changing around here. I feel like I went to bed a woman with a business, a dog, and a wonderful boyfriend and I woke up (groggy and too tried) with two kids, two businesses, and still (luckily) a wonderful partner. It took 4 years to get here and while I feel like this is what I've always been doing- what I've always hoped for- sometimes I look up and wonder how I got here and why it's so hard. These two brilliant and amazing little people inspire and exhaust me in nearly equal parts.
Yesterday, in middle of a photo shoot for the POLKA DOT CLUB as often happens around here, work and life mixed together and both kids ended up in my studio, on my lap, in front of the camera. Having children brought my dream of making toys for kids into perfect focus. I've always wanted to make beautiful things for little people- to make them smile, to bring comfort, to inspire play. All the struggle and long hours are worth it when I hand over a little-hand-made-play-thing and they don't want to let go. They're my ever inspiring test subjects, that and so so so much more.