
A week at home and in the studio and around...

I've been working a bit in the studio (in fact I have high hopes for adding two bunnies to the shop this week) but I've also been taking care of the family most of the week- Spring is (so I've heard) on its way and I think we're all a bit antsy for it to get here. We're vibrating with that: so sick of winter and muck - wanting it to just be warm already-  ready to feel the sun on more than just our cheeks- peel off all these heavy layers: crazy. I suppose we'll have to be patient; that, or get a plane ticket. I think the former is really our only option... Anyway, here's some of what our week looked like.

(willow houses studio visit image : CHEERIUP)

1 comment:

  1. Those are some cute kids you have. I really enjoy these peeks into your home life.
