
This weekend...

Knitting once again in my short moments of downtime. Right now I'm finishing Claude's tomten jacket made with all bits of yarn I had on hand. I'm a bit obsessed with E. Zimmermann right now... and I suppose I could be for the rest of my life. She wrote enough about knitting to keep me busy for three lifetimes.



over the weekend --- snowy valentines projects

A winter storm rolled in over the weekend, and although we weren't snowed-in, we acted like it. We bundled up in layers and layers to go out, we shoveled, made snowballs (which doesn't happen all that often since it's usually too cold for packing snow) and played a little in the winter-wonder-land. But, for the most part we just stayed in- cozy and warm. Claude and I spent one evening working on valentines together. I cut, he drew, and together we prepared for spreading the love this Thursday.